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  • The Islamic party, which is part of a three-member opposition alliance led by former Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, defeated the National Front coalition with a significant majority of 2,631 votes, the Election Commission said.

    My Sinchew - 2009

  • Hassan's own turnabout reflects a reversal that has left the Brotherhood, a fundamentalist Islamic party, poised for the first time to claim a real stake in Egyptian politics in whatever follows three decades of rule by President Hosni Mubarak.

    Muslim Brotherhood eyes comeback in Egypt Ernesto Londono 2011

  • Thus, the movement will not be able to consolidate power as readily in these turbulent times as their counterparts did in Iran, and will therefore have limited input in shaping legislative procedure it is this vital input on procedure which ultimately created the Iranian "Islamic Republic" as we know it today, rather than a liberal democracy run by an Islamic party, a la Turkey.

    Abdulrahman El-Sayed: Why the U.S. Should Support the Protestors in Egypt Abdulrahman El-Sayed 2011

  • If the Turks are indebted to the Islamic parties for bringing them democracy, the ruling Islamic party is indebted to the authoritarian Turkish state for providing the conditions of their empowerment.

    Roger Friedland: Islam, Gender And Democracy In Turkey Roger Friedland 2011

  • If the Turks are indebted to the Islamic parties for bringing them democracy, the ruling Islamic party is indebted to the authoritarian Turkish state for providing the conditions of their empowerment.

    Roger Friedland: Islam, Gender And Democracy In Turkey Roger Friedland 2011

  • Hassan's own turnabout reflects a reversal that has left the Brotherhood, a fundamentalist Islamic party, poised for the first time to claim a real stake in Egyptian politics in whatever follows three decades of rule by President Hosni Mubarak.

    Muslim Brotherhood eyes comeback in Egypt Ernesto Londono 2011

  • If the Turks are indebted to the Islamic parties for bringing them democracy, the ruling Islamic party is indebted to the authoritarian Turkish state for providing the conditions of their empowerment.

    Roger Friedland: Islam, Gender And Democracy In Turkey Roger Friedland 2011

  • The ruling Islamic party is on its way to doing that, having recently arrested a number of Turkish army officers who were previously tasked with protecting and preserving Turkey as a secular state under the Turkish constitution.

    Ed Koch: No Matter What the Pressure Brought to Bear on It, Israel Should Never Give Up Its Right of Self-Defense 2010

  • The Islamic party, Welfare, successfully exploited this unhappiness and won the 1995 elections.

    Progress Put On Hold 2008

  • We're told the head of the largest Islamic party in Pakistan has been arrested.

    CNN Transcript Nov 5, 2007 2007


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